Noro Yarn
Noro Yarn

Color is the most important factor for NORO Yarn. Colors must be beautiful with a strong luster and richness of quality. At the same time, they must also be robust to prevent them from fading, discoloring or staining. By using an abundance of the highest quality dye, Noro have attained beauty and durability in the colors of their yarn.

Making of the NORO Yarn :

The basic principle for NORO Yarn is "Spin yarn by hand" Use machinery only for what cannot be done by hand. This hand-spun yarn is made from finely dyed wool, lined faithfully according to color and weight, carefully maintaining the slow spinning speed by skilled spinners. Since the human hand is used in the spinning process, the natural luster and texture are obtained without considerably impairing the wool fiber. Lining up the yarn by hand results in irregular arrangement of wool, thereby giving the yarn more bulk. The features of NORO Yarn are lightness. softness and loftiness. Please view the thickness of NORO yarn as an average value. Because it is a handmade yarn with raw materials being weighed and lined by human hands, thera are areas that are thick and areas that are thin. There are areas where the strand is tight and where the strand is loose, so please knit gently and discover the joy of knitting NORO yarns.

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